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Showing posts with the label kubernetes

Cloud based Frameworks/ Kubernetes environment

Cloud based microservice frameworks Some of open source platforms available are Swarm (Docker), Kubernetes (google), mesos, The most popular in communities and internet industry seems to be kubernetes and picking steam in telecom front as well for upcoming 5G Service based architecture. The kubernetes has the default container solution based on Rket ? but the most popular combinations are using Docker as container. Kubernetes/ an Cloud orachastrator !! Deployment automation of scaling in (zooming in/ increasing) and out (zooming out, decreasing) Network plugin available such as flannel (popular, support only IPv4), calico (support IPv4, IPv6), weavenet Kubernetes currently does not support dual stack IPv4, IPv6 inter-working etc capabilities till version 1.13 (dec 2018). Another limitation, it does not recognize the multiple interfaces in case enable to POD's for configuring services exposure and external communication till version 1.13 (dec 2018) Will be adding more...