understand 5G RAN Overview We are covering basic understanding on RAN element and details from 5G technology/ specs. The content is organized, to provide consumable information for reader to help increase their understanding on RAN. The page covers basic terminology, concepts and 3gpp roadmaps and features for RAN functionality. Hope my attempt to explain things as simple as possible and help you leave with acquisition and understanding of some concepts or least with touch points. This (#RAN) has been and remains to be crucial/ complex part of telecom network as rest of network is getting simplified by moving from more sophisticated protocols/ framework to generic and open standards by 3GPP body. 1. Terminology # Radio -------- Element Name ----------- Core 1/ LTE ----- eNodeB/ eNB ------- LTE 2/ LTE ----- ng-eNB ------- 5G NR 3/ 5G NR ----- en-gNB ------- LTE 4/ 5G NR ----- gNB ------- 5G NR The RAN traditionally used to consist
Developer Tips ------------ create cscope and tags to source code -------------- Create CTAGS, CREATE FILE LIST [cscope.files], start cscope where the cscope.file exist. cscope steps - ctags -R . ; find . -name *.[CchH] > cscope.files ; cscope # ready to start using cscope. Using Ctrl+] Ctril+T for moving forward/ backwards. ---------------------------------------------------------- Setting up messages file log rotation on linux 1. # su - $ change to root account 2. # go to /etc/logrotate.d # delete the line (/var/log/messages) from file syslog sed "/message/d" /etc/logrotate.d/syslog > /tmp/tmpsyslog && mv /tmp/tmpsyslog /etc/logrotate.d/syslog OR grep -v "message" /etc/logrotate.d/syslog > /tmp/tmpsyslog && mv /tmp/tmpsyslog /etc/logrotate.d/syslog 3. #create new file and add below content to limit the file rotate on 20M file size or weekly once which is satisfied cat <<EOF > /etc/logrotate.d/messageslog /var/log/messages {